Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
happy birthday x 24
Special thanks to:
Ling Ai Soon, Thomas Aun, Teng, Chee Han, bro Jun Soon, Ah Fi, Kaito Yeoh, Hock Seng, Yeik Fei
Ah gao, Sim, Goh Lian Chin, Kevin, Ray Leong, Chui Ping, Chun Keat, Teesar, Boo Seong, Jih Houh, Bao Han, Allen, Hock Lye, Yi Jin, Snake, Soo Kim Kuang, EE woon, Tiang, Yew Jen
bro Yok San, Kok Fong, Ah Gao, Pak Seng, Dar, Francis, Ah Kok, Hon Keong, Han Lyn, Roy Fong
Yew Yew, Han Lyn, Yi Jin, Meavis, my parents and my sister
best Eugene, Mr To, Mike, BGB and work friends......
Simply the busiet brithday ever, since now is working, most of the time consumed by works. It is like walking between heaven and hell whole day, but I really really appreciate all those who had contribute some or many for my 24th birthday. Really touched, and glad to have you all with me.
Let's talk something about birthday since still have some time.
For me birthday is very holy. Eugene mentioned that for those who greet my birthday without even phone me up are all upseting actually. Which mean most of the people above fail to do so. Maybe my voice is not really so good perhaps. Well, thanks to facebook reminder, if not I think less then 10 people will remember my birthday. Anyway I do appreciate sms.
It was found out that, those people that I spent more time and effort on, and I totally remember their birthday, totally forget mine. Some remember to greet me winter festival, christmas and happy new year, but forget to greet my birthday. Should I happy or sad? Well, all greeting end up in sms though. Maybe I am not a good friend, that's why I don't have better friend perhaps. Those people even lazy to log in facebook and notice the date, it is really very hard to believe sometime.
Well, life is not perfect. We gain something, we lose something. If I can make a wish, I hope I can take back all my time and effort, and let those heartless bastard go to hell. Thank you.
Ling Ai Soon, Thomas Aun, Teng, Chee Han, bro Jun Soon, Ah Fi, Kaito Yeoh, Hock Seng, Yeik Fei
Ah gao, Sim, Goh Lian Chin, Kevin, Ray Leong, Chui Ping, Chun Keat, Teesar, Boo Seong, Jih Houh, Bao Han, Allen, Hock Lye, Yi Jin, Snake, Soo Kim Kuang, EE woon, Tiang, Yew Jen
bro Yok San, Kok Fong, Ah Gao, Pak Seng, Dar, Francis, Ah Kok, Hon Keong, Han Lyn, Roy Fong
Yew Yew, Han Lyn, Yi Jin, Meavis, my parents and my sister
best Eugene, Mr To, Mike, BGB and work friends......
Simply the busiet brithday ever, since now is working, most of the time consumed by works. It is like walking between heaven and hell whole day, but I really really appreciate all those who had contribute some or many for my 24th birthday. Really touched, and glad to have you all with me.
Let's talk something about birthday since still have some time.
For me birthday is very holy. Eugene mentioned that for those who greet my birthday without even phone me up are all upseting actually. Which mean most of the people above fail to do so. Maybe my voice is not really so good perhaps. Well, thanks to facebook reminder, if not I think less then 10 people will remember my birthday. Anyway I do appreciate sms.
It was found out that, those people that I spent more time and effort on, and I totally remember their birthday, totally forget mine. Some remember to greet me winter festival, christmas and happy new year, but forget to greet my birthday. Should I happy or sad? Well, all greeting end up in sms though. Maybe I am not a good friend, that's why I don't have better friend perhaps. Those people even lazy to log in facebook and notice the date, it is really very hard to believe sometime.
Well, life is not perfect. We gain something, we lose something. If I can make a wish, I hope I can take back all my time and effort, and let those heartless bastard go to hell. Thank you.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
先说故事吧,一开始是说科学家发现地球将会在2012年,因为太阳发射一些突变的元素,让地壳内的性质异变,就如玛雅人所预测一样,世界末日。(大致上是这样,是靠我有限的科学知识和英文理解的)故事之所以会发生是因为科学家在2009发现,所以就开始防范。但是,由于时间有限,美国怕引起恐慌,所以没有对外公布,只有在背后秘密准备。美国在中国西藏筹备了一个方舟计划,由于计划经费昂贵,所以秘密出售船票,一个位置10亿欧元。但是灾难比预期中早发生,所以惹来很多恐慌。男主角 Jackson Curtis是一个失败的作者兼父亲兼老公,家在加州。在机缘巧合之下发现了这个秘密(比老百姓早5分钟左右吧),经过重重困难,带着一家人,从加州冲出,路经los vegas,最后抵达西藏,努力冲进方舟。
说说导演吧,由于这个导演之前拍惯灾难片,所以可谓驾轻就熟,手法纯熟,收放自如。美中不足的是,这个导演的每一套戏都是快乐结局,但是也可以说是导演对世人的一种鼓励。应该是导演要世人在将来的世界末日里面,不理环境多坏都坚持下去,最后还是会有好的将来的。。。(比起那些讽刺来讽刺去,没有建设性讯息,或者是最后死完的结局,可能会比较好,但是本人还是比较喜欢悲惨一点的结局) 特别喜欢导演在戏的一开始,一个印度小孩在下雨时蹲在积水旁放了一个玩具船,这时科学家坐着的士经过,虽然科学家已经喝止,但是的士还是走过积水,把那个玩具船弄翻了。这正是暗示了将发生的灾难,科学家发现,却难以制止。科学家的爸爸之后也是在船上受到海啸攻击死的,这种有意无意之间的巧合,真是不错。总的来说,从一开始的故事发展,到安排各个角色出场,到各个灾难发生,场景和故事的铺排和到后来的连结,不过不失,还算及格。(近年来及格的电影买少见少,尤其是大制作)
这整套戏里面考验人性的极点。整套戏里面几乎没有一个人的性格是完美的。Jackson Curtis,这种在戏里面,被首席科学家Adrian盛赞好人,(请参考“When human stop to help each other, this is the time where humanity is lost”)也被我抓到使坏的时候。就在Jackson知道加州就来沦陷的时候,他就像一个飞机师订了飞机。但是他在那时候并没有告诉那个人灾难将要来临,让那个人带着他的家人一起走,之后在Las Vegas遇到旧老板时却要让旧老板带他一家人离开,也可以说是人性的丑陋吧。(太鸡蛋里挑骨头了^^)Jackson的老板虽然自私,但是在最后也为了自己的儿子牺牲了,也可以说是人性善良的一点。对于这个人性,出来做工应该都知道,通常自私吝啬的人才可以发达做老板(不是说全部啦,是大部分吧^^)有一本漫画说过:“我不是伟人,我只是凡人,所以我会去守护眼前的一切事情,而无暇去顾其他全世界的人。”的确,我们要帮,到底可以帮到多少人?自己的家人?自己喜欢的人?自己的好朋友?自己的同事?自己认识的人?认识的人所认识的人?眼前的人?如果只救自己认识的人而不救不认识的人,是不是偏私,是不是不公平?如果只救眼前人的话,那么其他人怎么办?应该真的只有伟人才可以救到很多人吧!我们只是平凡人吧。。。。。。
戏里面只有十亿欧元的人才可以上船,真的不公平吗?比起从加州突破到方舟,我觉得赚十亿更难。主角可是最后带了6个人上去 (死的人最后也算上了船) , 应该是60亿欧元。60亿欧元有几难赚?应该要来回加州方舟60000次?但是如果全部十亿富翁上船,那么在新世界不是没有人做粗工?
特别喜欢那一句“I THOUGHT WE HAVE MORE TIME”,和那对在游轮上的老排挡。到底在末日来到的时候我会采取什么态度?认识我够深的人应该会知道吧呵呵^^
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009 1:07am
Long time no visit my own blog, I don't think got people visit here also. Good also, can give me some private space.
Life is miserable. Every moment is getting worst. Every time also come across something that you felt is the worst thing ever and you can't get through it. I know end up everything will be fine perhaps (because I realize that I am not really that easy to die suddenly and the world will never end while I am living), but frankly speaking, I don't like the feeling.
I can't find my aim in life. I can't find the path to become what I want. I know what I lack of, but I don't know how to improve it.
I don't feel I am needed. I mean maybe I am needed, but the people that need me can't accept me also. They need me in terms of their perspective. And the people that I need don't feel like needed by me. Human relationship is such a complicated stuff. Start to understand why man's world most relationship are maintained through advantages, because relationship itself is too weak and unpredictable.
Saturday when I drove home from work, suddenly I feel very lonely. Am I still not mature enough because I still feel lonely? Anyway started to get use of staying alone.
Human usually can't accept other people do something bad. But they will do the thing themselves. Selfish? Human just hope to protect own benefits. Or perhaps they just want to survive. I now truly understand the feeling when no money. I always don't like other people do something yet myself did the same thing. Sometime I feel am I too kind to survive in this world? Am I too easy to understand other people situation that put myself in a difficult position? Is it all the feeling occurred because I still not mature enough. Just wonder how many more I need to improve before i really feel succeed.
Still owe friend a lot of debt, really feel sorry for them...
i really don't like these, these is really the darkness moment in my life, and when I imagine that there are darker then these, I lose the faith and courage to continue......
This whole post is so meaningless, hope next time I will have mood to share more informative issue.
Life is miserable. Every moment is getting worst. Every time also come across something that you felt is the worst thing ever and you can't get through it. I know end up everything will be fine perhaps (because I realize that I am not really that easy to die suddenly and the world will never end while I am living), but frankly speaking, I don't like the feeling.
I can't find my aim in life. I can't find the path to become what I want. I know what I lack of, but I don't know how to improve it.
I don't feel I am needed. I mean maybe I am needed, but the people that need me can't accept me also. They need me in terms of their perspective. And the people that I need don't feel like needed by me. Human relationship is such a complicated stuff. Start to understand why man's world most relationship are maintained through advantages, because relationship itself is too weak and unpredictable.
Saturday when I drove home from work, suddenly I feel very lonely. Am I still not mature enough because I still feel lonely? Anyway started to get use of staying alone.
Human usually can't accept other people do something bad. But they will do the thing themselves. Selfish? Human just hope to protect own benefits. Or perhaps they just want to survive. I now truly understand the feeling when no money. I always don't like other people do something yet myself did the same thing. Sometime I feel am I too kind to survive in this world? Am I too easy to understand other people situation that put myself in a difficult position? Is it all the feeling occurred because I still not mature enough. Just wonder how many more I need to improve before i really feel succeed.
Still owe friend a lot of debt, really feel sorry for them...
i really don't like these, these is really the darkness moment in my life, and when I imagine that there are darker then these, I lose the faith and courage to continue......
This whole post is so meaningless, hope next time I will have mood to share more informative issue.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Yesterday night just had a nightmare. Long time didn't have nightmare. (Finally, this time challenge horror novel in my blog!)
I slept at 2am, not so usual....
Enter dream......
Inside the dream (well actually when we dream, we don't really feel like we are dreaming, but real feeling.....)
I am inside my car.
New car, pearl white MYVI AGU 2948.
At basement.
Not sure is at which building's basement.
So far I have gone to Sunway Pyramid, Tropiciana City, and my site Solaris Dutamas 2 basement.
According to my colleague, basement is the place where the xxxxx exist.
Since the location is deep down inside from land.
I assume that I was at Solaris Dutamas basement.
That side basement only allow car parking at basement 6, others not open yet.
Not open, means no light, very dark.
I am sitting inside my car at Solaris Dutamas 2 basement 6.
Before that I think I am doing something.
But forget already.
At that moment I am sitting in the car, like want to fetch someone.
There are 2 people beside my car.
If not mistaken 1 of them is Andy Yu, my work friend.
(Can't really call colleague, since we are in different company, but got deep relation between 2 companies)
And another people, not really remember who is it.
Maybe is Faisau (colleague of Andy Yu).
All of a sudden......
Both of them point to my car's back seat
With shocking face expression
I turn back to look at my car's back seat
A safety helmet
Obviously not belong to 3 of us.
I won't put safety helmet on the seat side of my car, at most also at legs there.
beside the safety helmet
or can say near the safety helmet
There is a shadow at there
A shadow like an object similar to human.
4am at morning when I look at my clock......
I don't think is really a horror story, just a dream, a bad dream eventually.
But at that moment feel so scare, scare until wake up, and found difficulty to sleep back.
At the next morning, wake up and go to work as usual.
When driving my car to park in basement, not scare anymore.
Under normal condition, actually not really scare this type of things.
But how come the feeling of scare is so strong when sleeping?
According to my past experience, when sleeping, true attitude or so call true self of someone will come out.
By other words, the weak me will appear when sleep.
And inside dream.
How come the true me is so weak compare to real me.
Or that one is another me?
That is just another personal feeling from individual experience.
Maybe I just think too much again?
I slept at 2am, not so usual....
Enter dream......
Inside the dream (well actually when we dream, we don't really feel like we are dreaming, but real feeling.....)
I am inside my car.
New car, pearl white MYVI AGU 2948.
At basement.
Not sure is at which building's basement.
So far I have gone to Sunway Pyramid, Tropiciana City, and my site Solaris Dutamas 2 basement.
According to my colleague, basement is the place where the xxxxx exist.
Since the location is deep down inside from land.
I assume that I was at Solaris Dutamas basement.
That side basement only allow car parking at basement 6, others not open yet.
Not open, means no light, very dark.
I am sitting inside my car at Solaris Dutamas 2 basement 6.
Before that I think I am doing something.
But forget already.
At that moment I am sitting in the car, like want to fetch someone.
There are 2 people beside my car.
If not mistaken 1 of them is Andy Yu, my work friend.
(Can't really call colleague, since we are in different company, but got deep relation between 2 companies)
And another people, not really remember who is it.
Maybe is Faisau (colleague of Andy Yu).
All of a sudden......
Both of them point to my car's back seat
With shocking face expression
I turn back to look at my car's back seat
A safety helmet
Obviously not belong to 3 of us.
I won't put safety helmet on the seat side of my car, at most also at legs there.
beside the safety helmet
or can say near the safety helmet
There is a shadow at there
A shadow like an object similar to human.
4am at morning when I look at my clock......
I don't think is really a horror story, just a dream, a bad dream eventually.
But at that moment feel so scare, scare until wake up, and found difficulty to sleep back.
At the next morning, wake up and go to work as usual.
When driving my car to park in basement, not scare anymore.
Under normal condition, actually not really scare this type of things.
But how come the feeling of scare is so strong when sleeping?
According to my past experience, when sleeping, true attitude or so call true self of someone will come out.
By other words, the weak me will appear when sleep.
And inside dream.
How come the true me is so weak compare to real me.
Or that one is another me?
That is just another personal feeling from individual experience.
Maybe I just think too much again?
Monday, August 24, 2009
hate hate hate
I HATE WHY THE LINE SO SLOW EVEN AT EARLY MORNING LIKE THIS. It took me almost 5 minutes to log in to this page? Even I want to express something I so hate also need gave hinderance to me like that?
I HATE MODZILLA FIREBOX BROWSER. What's the problem now, just opening 2 mini games in facebook (restoran city and roller coaster) is the limit of modzilla? IT IS REALLY FUCKING LAG. Even more lag then when I open 2 charactor in online game.
I HATE MAFIA WAR. Are you still in beta version? How come sometimes load you is like endless load?
I HATE SHARING TOILET WITH 4, AND NOW EVENTUALLY BECOME 5 PEOPLE. This one not much to explain, really damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn "DULAN" sometimes.
I HATE CAR PARK HERE. 5 minutes plus distance, yet in the danger of having "saman". A few times forget cellphone......
I HATE WORK. How come I need to struggling in such type of work, yet need to console ownsself that I still very happy and enjoy?
I HATE MYSELF. Why I still so weak, still so childish, unmature, can't used to so many things I hate, and HATE SO MANY THINGS AT THIS EARLY MORNING......
I HATE WHY THE LINE SO SLOW EVEN AT EARLY MORNING LIKE THIS. It took me almost 5 minutes to log in to this page? Even I want to express something I so hate also need gave hinderance to me like that?
I HATE MODZILLA FIREBOX BROWSER. What's the problem now, just opening 2 mini games in facebook (restoran city and roller coaster) is the limit of modzilla? IT IS REALLY FUCKING LAG. Even more lag then when I open 2 charactor in online game.
I HATE MAFIA WAR. Are you still in beta version? How come sometimes load you is like endless load?
I HATE SHARING TOILET WITH 4, AND NOW EVENTUALLY BECOME 5 PEOPLE. This one not much to explain, really damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn "DULAN" sometimes.
I HATE CAR PARK HERE. 5 minutes plus distance, yet in the danger of having "saman". A few times forget cellphone......
I HATE WORK. How come I need to struggling in such type of work, yet need to console ownsself that I still very happy and enjoy?
I HATE MYSELF. Why I still so weak, still so childish, unmature, can't used to so many things I hate, and HATE SO MANY THINGS AT THIS EARLY MORNING......
Monday, August 17, 2009
Convocation 14/08/2009
This might be a long passage, be prepared...
Why so long?
Since it is about the event that indicate an end of my long long journey......
Born at 1985, enter St. John Kinder garden at age 4, enter Methodist Kinder garden at age 5 (weird, I am not christian or catholic anyway, yet enter related school. Well, hard to explain, since I think I at that time don't even know how to spell my school's name)
Later enter SRJK(C) (long time didn't come through this word, miss it) Yuk Hua at age 7, then change to SRJK(C) Poi Lam at standard 3 half year.
Later, continue study from SRJK(C) to SMK Poi Lam (just beside, walk can reach, not even got any fench or boundary separate between the primary school and secondary school) until form 5, then change school to SMK Sam Tet (not really want to abandone my old school, but really didn't have form 6 course provided).
After STPM, enter USM (university science malaysia engineering branch campus) and purchase for the bachelor degree of mechanical engineering. After 4 years, succeed.
Total years of study, 21 years......
After 21 years, this convocation can be taken as an officially closing ceremony for my official study life......
Sounds meaningful......
A bit drag away (recently read a lot of internet novel, start to follow their style of writing, forgive me, actually just want to make my blog post more interesting......)
So mainly this passage will be about my convocation, included the preparation, and the follow up activities after convocation.
Let's start.....
My convocation falls on 14/08/2009, is Friday, no choice, have to take leave. Struggle a bit whether want to take Thursday also as leave, end up took also. Have a nice sleep at morning of Thursday (since Wednesday night is badminton night, sure tired, one of the reason to take whole day leave at Thursday). Slowly picking up my speed packing things while finish another internet novel. Rush to cut my hair at speed cut shop (it cost RM15, a bit expensive, but no choice since the RM10 shop no open, and the skill of the barber is not really good, luckily is a quite pretty girl, and the service still ok). Later rush to fetch my sister at Sunway College, then drive down to KLCC to meet my brother. First time go KLCC, so sure lost my way. Reach at KLCC at a not so suitable time, so end up have dinner with my sister at KLCC. Found my brother only at 9pm, and with the average speed of 160-170 (Toyota Vios), we manage to reach home at 11pm (I don't think I can break that record for the rest of my life). Pack things at home again, end up sleep at 1am.
The next day (actually not the next day also, since 1am already is the next day, just after 2 hours only), woke up at 3am. Why woke up so early? Big day, need more time to prepare well (some people said that I so slow like girls, actually it is due to my high value of area of body). Thanks Eugene again for borrow me coat, shirt and camera (end up I just wear the shirt, since the coat is too small for me). Set off at 4:50am, and reach USM penang at 6:15am (average speed 130-140, new car ^^).
So basically this is my convo appearance. The pants and coat is my brother's one, the shirt is eugene one. Actually I got bought a RM30 watch for this convo but it is not so clear in this photo. I would like to explain about the tie, actually I really don't want to wear USM tie, but due to my brother's forgetness, end up have to receive the fate. The rest are bollowed from USM, the hat got a bit problem, too small for my big head, end up need go to change at the last minute before enter the hall.
The event start at 9pm. Surprisingly fast, after sing national enthem and USM song, then straight start give out the scroll. 800++ students, end at 10:30am. Some talks and prays later, we are off at 11am.
After come out, since my junior haven't come, so I went to have photo session with my families. They can't wait for me since I request for 1 hour before go lunch (eventually end up almost 2 hours), so they went eat and go back Ipoh.
My father, my elder brother, my younger sister, me, and my mother......
Caution, many photos below......
This is the photo taken when just finish getting the scroll and prepare to go out from hall. Made a big mistake by standing at the most front side, end up my body is obviously so big......
First person I manage to get after come out from hall. Mr. Thomas, a surprising buddy for me, talent in plenty field, yet always claim that I am a good friend. Somehow sometime he really gave me some encouragement. Thanks!
Thain Hong, my second year roomate, always fetch me go everyway on his motorcycle when second year. Kind-heated young man, can be counted as one of my brother in university.
Lim Chee Liang! One year younger then me, but I always admit that he is a real talent eventhough he always take it as a joke (I seldom rate other people so high in my life). We can really talk a lot, but half of the time argueing. Help me a lot and support me much when I struggling in university. Special friend~
3 people inside this photo. Count from the left is Lim Boon Ping, Loh Chee Keong, and Tan Kak Hoe. Lim Boon Ping, not really much interact when studying, but he claimed to want to know more about me and want me take him as a better friend? Anyway he is the person that help me take my custum when I am not at Penang eventhough he get me such a small hat. Mostly is because during the 4 years study time I always say his head big (his head really big, when you look at his whole body, you will feel the mighty of his head, anyway head big is good, totally no offence). Anyway I really no blaim him for the small hat, and really thanks a lot for his help (My rushness at that morning also due to his dissapearance with my jubah, no blame also haha). Loh Chee Keong, another kind guy, passionate, always like to help other people. Well, I not really need help in university so we less interact (just kidding). Tan Kak Hoe, really talented in singing, something I can't achieve even how hard I work (well, not really work hard also).
Alllen Tan, a kind guy that always care and help me, and even this photo is so far the best photo I have been taken for convo. Thanks buddy!!!
Yok San, a student study civil engineering and came from Kuantan. Not really have any related with me but somehow we become good friends. A bit touched, since he is the first junior that came and wait me just to take photo with me (of course I will be more glad if he bring along present). Anyway, he looks a bit like my best friend in Ipoh, Liew Hong Chuan.
Liew Woei Yaw, another best friend of mine. Same age, having same interest in manga and anime, have the best time in second year. One of the important people in my life. Wish him all the best. Anyway, where is he looking at......
Woon Wai Leong, we know each other when first year. Funny guy, can always make people beside him feel happy and comfort. Become best friend at final year, one of the support for me to continue hard job nowadays. Thanks!
Friends from Sam Tet. Obviously not coming for me, but still happy since can take photo with them. Really hope can have more time with them, since must be very interesting and enjoyable spending time with them, yet life is so unpredicatable.....
21 years of studying life, how many friends can stay till the end? The fellow wearing orange colour is the friend I know since standard 3. Now already reach 15 years we know each other. We have been class mate till form 6, and meet again when intern. So glad that he make it eventhough he is working. Lim Wei Chiat is his name. The blue colour guy, old friend of mine also, and is obviously being drag by Mr. Lim, anyway, thanks also, since Ngoh Choo Shyang also a friend that almost know for 10 years. Keep in touch! (Now life so simple with msn, still remember last time when small when I go certain camp, know a few good friends from other state yet end up lose contact soon, life is really......)
Choong Chin Hooi, my junior, friend perhaps. Complicated boy. Determined in life. Came to know him when I final year. He is the person that make my final year birthday remarkable (main organisor). It is surprisingly that Eugene can recognise him as the person. Anyway, really didn't regret helping him at all.
Ah Kok (not really know his fullname), civil school dai lou, mostly the dai lou that closest to me. One so white, one so black haha.
Two more people to be introduced here. Lee Shih Yung (left), another best friend in university, play an important role before and after my internship. Lau Seh Lee, the best soccer player I ever get to know in my life(no need much explaination la, this sentence will make him very satiesfied already).
Weird photo, I forget what this guy name is, since he live opposite my room at final year, and we not really have any conversation. Have a great smile.
My USM family! Adik, super adik, hyper adik... Don't understand one ask USM people......
USM education counselor group? End up less so few people? Where is Ng Tiong Yew, my best partner?
Looks like Ng Tiong Yew is here, standing at my left hand side. Just can say I won't become who I am proud to be now if I don't know him in my life. Can't admit that he is so far the person in this world that most understand me. The fellow standing at my right hand side is Yong Shong Liang, another best friend of university (so many best friend, but I really mean it wheneve I mentioned), also help a lot when I work, since me always phone and disturb him when i bored of work.
One amazing things during convocation is the length of photo session. Let's take an easy example. Every graduate will have one family member taking own camera. Let's say 3 graduate taking photo together, then 3 camera will be there. When the forth person enter, then 4th camera will enter also, and the 4 camera need to retake photo again (because add one more people, the content of the photo will different). Why am I wasting time here explain this simple theory? Well, it is due to the incident occured at convo. I end up standing there keep on smiling for more then 5 minutes while 20++ camera continuosly (yes, is continuously) taking photo. Long smile, and amazing scenery, guess I won't have that chance anymore.....
Below are some photos at that session:
Still less people, easy, cheers~
One example of photo taken. Imagine the crowd, each people have one camera, and the camera man end up need to stand at so far side angle......
Here are some continuos photo, looks good everyone here......
Need to change some post, good also for the frozen smile......
Preparing to throw hat(mortar board)! Eventually throughout the whole time I think I already throw for 5 times++ (don't throw too high, since you will need it back very soon, and it might get lost or mix with other people......)
Opps, where is my mortar board?
Still not throw yet.....
Throw finally!!! Happy graduate!!!!!!
(So far I havn't got all the photos, and for those that I didn't mention or post photo here don't feel upset, you all will always be in my heart)
After all those photo session, already 1pm. Don't have any people to eat with (can't eat with other people family, and if go out with whole bunch of junior, feel weird and expensive to pay for all). Luckily still got Chin Hooi (somehow sometimes he like to stay alone). Have a nice lunch in Kim Garry at Queensbay, later go back to his house to take some nap, but end up can't sleep well. Feel dizzy, and end up can't go anyway at night. Sorry for those whom I promise to plan for gathering but end up nothing happened......
Woke up a bit late at Saturday morning, rush to USM but end up didn't return my robe. Later rush to Gurney for sing K with friends.
This photo can see my watch clearer.Still enjoy singing as usual, got feel like my singing skill a bit improve, but the outcome still need ask the audience (not really got any people feel me sing good......)
After that need to rush back home, end up drop by my real school, USM kkj (too tired, fell asleep when driving, dangerous). Slept in Yok San room for awhile, then have a dinner at the restoran behind Maybank near Nibong Tebal there with Yok San, Zhuo Ming, Kok Weng, and one more Kok Weng's friend. Treat junior first time, something that I always want and hope to do long time ago. RM97 for 5 people, got sotong, scallope, vegetable, egg, and pork leg, not bad.
Reach home at 10pm, then sleep at around 12am. Woke up at 10am++, then have to pack to go back KL and need to start work. All the best, and thank you again for everyone!
(Wonder how long can this post go......)
Why so long?
Since it is about the event that indicate an end of my long long journey......
Born at 1985, enter St. John Kinder garden at age 4, enter Methodist Kinder garden at age 5 (weird, I am not christian or catholic anyway, yet enter related school. Well, hard to explain, since I think I at that time don't even know how to spell my school's name)
Later enter SRJK(C) (long time didn't come through this word, miss it) Yuk Hua at age 7, then change to SRJK(C) Poi Lam at standard 3 half year.
Later, continue study from SRJK(C) to SMK Poi Lam (just beside, walk can reach, not even got any fench or boundary separate between the primary school and secondary school) until form 5, then change school to SMK Sam Tet (not really want to abandone my old school, but really didn't have form 6 course provided).
After STPM, enter USM (university science malaysia engineering branch campus) and purchase for the bachelor degree of mechanical engineering. After 4 years, succeed.
Total years of study, 21 years......
After 21 years, this convocation can be taken as an officially closing ceremony for my official study life......
Sounds meaningful......
A bit drag away (recently read a lot of internet novel, start to follow their style of writing, forgive me, actually just want to make my blog post more interesting......)
So mainly this passage will be about my convocation, included the preparation, and the follow up activities after convocation.
Let's start.....
My convocation falls on 14/08/2009, is Friday, no choice, have to take leave. Struggle a bit whether want to take Thursday also as leave, end up took also. Have a nice sleep at morning of Thursday (since Wednesday night is badminton night, sure tired, one of the reason to take whole day leave at Thursday). Slowly picking up my speed packing things while finish another internet novel. Rush to cut my hair at speed cut shop (it cost RM15, a bit expensive, but no choice since the RM10 shop no open, and the skill of the barber is not really good, luckily is a quite pretty girl, and the service still ok). Later rush to fetch my sister at Sunway College, then drive down to KLCC to meet my brother. First time go KLCC, so sure lost my way. Reach at KLCC at a not so suitable time, so end up have dinner with my sister at KLCC. Found my brother only at 9pm, and with the average speed of 160-170 (Toyota Vios), we manage to reach home at 11pm (I don't think I can break that record for the rest of my life). Pack things at home again, end up sleep at 1am.
The next day (actually not the next day also, since 1am already is the next day, just after 2 hours only), woke up at 3am. Why woke up so early? Big day, need more time to prepare well (some people said that I so slow like girls, actually it is due to my high value of area of body). Thanks Eugene again for borrow me coat, shirt and camera (end up I just wear the shirt, since the coat is too small for me). Set off at 4:50am, and reach USM penang at 6:15am (average speed 130-140, new car ^^).
So basically this is my convo appearance. The pants and coat is my brother's one, the shirt is eugene one. Actually I got bought a RM30 watch for this convo but it is not so clear in this photo. I would like to explain about the tie, actually I really don't want to wear USM tie, but due to my brother's forgetness, end up have to receive the fate. The rest are bollowed from USM, the hat got a bit problem, too small for my big head, end up need go to change at the last minute before enter the hall.
The event start at 9pm. Surprisingly fast, after sing national enthem and USM song, then straight start give out the scroll. 800++ students, end at 10:30am. Some talks and prays later, we are off at 11am.
After come out, since my junior haven't come, so I went to have photo session with my families. They can't wait for me since I request for 1 hour before go lunch (eventually end up almost 2 hours), so they went eat and go back Ipoh.
My father, my elder brother, my younger sister, me, and my mother......
Caution, many photos below......
This is the photo taken when just finish getting the scroll and prepare to go out from hall. Made a big mistake by standing at the most front side, end up my body is obviously so big......
First person I manage to get after come out from hall. Mr. Thomas, a surprising buddy for me, talent in plenty field, yet always claim that I am a good friend. Somehow sometime he really gave me some encouragement. Thanks!
Thain Hong, my second year roomate, always fetch me go everyway on his motorcycle when second year. Kind-heated young man, can be counted as one of my brother in university.
Lim Chee Liang! One year younger then me, but I always admit that he is a real talent eventhough he always take it as a joke (I seldom rate other people so high in my life). We can really talk a lot, but half of the time argueing. Help me a lot and support me much when I struggling in university. Special friend~
3 people inside this photo. Count from the left is Lim Boon Ping, Loh Chee Keong, and Tan Kak Hoe. Lim Boon Ping, not really much interact when studying, but he claimed to want to know more about me and want me take him as a better friend? Anyway he is the person that help me take my custum when I am not at Penang eventhough he get me such a small hat. Mostly is because during the 4 years study time I always say his head big (his head really big, when you look at his whole body, you will feel the mighty of his head, anyway head big is good, totally no offence). Anyway I really no blaim him for the small hat, and really thanks a lot for his help (My rushness at that morning also due to his dissapearance with my jubah, no blame also haha). Loh Chee Keong, another kind guy, passionate, always like to help other people. Well, I not really need help in university so we less interact (just kidding). Tan Kak Hoe, really talented in singing, something I can't achieve even how hard I work (well, not really work hard also).
Alllen Tan, a kind guy that always care and help me, and even this photo is so far the best photo I have been taken for convo. Thanks buddy!!!
Yok San, a student study civil engineering and came from Kuantan. Not really have any related with me but somehow we become good friends. A bit touched, since he is the first junior that came and wait me just to take photo with me (of course I will be more glad if he bring along present). Anyway, he looks a bit like my best friend in Ipoh, Liew Hong Chuan.
Liew Woei Yaw, another best friend of mine. Same age, having same interest in manga and anime, have the best time in second year. One of the important people in my life. Wish him all the best. Anyway, where is he looking at......
Woon Wai Leong, we know each other when first year. Funny guy, can always make people beside him feel happy and comfort. Become best friend at final year, one of the support for me to continue hard job nowadays. Thanks!
Friends from Sam Tet. Obviously not coming for me, but still happy since can take photo with them. Really hope can have more time with them, since must be very interesting and enjoyable spending time with them, yet life is so unpredicatable.....
21 years of studying life, how many friends can stay till the end? The fellow wearing orange colour is the friend I know since standard 3. Now already reach 15 years we know each other. We have been class mate till form 6, and meet again when intern. So glad that he make it eventhough he is working. Lim Wei Chiat is his name. The blue colour guy, old friend of mine also, and is obviously being drag by Mr. Lim, anyway, thanks also, since Ngoh Choo Shyang also a friend that almost know for 10 years. Keep in touch! (Now life so simple with msn, still remember last time when small when I go certain camp, know a few good friends from other state yet end up lose contact soon, life is really......)
Choong Chin Hooi, my junior, friend perhaps. Complicated boy. Determined in life. Came to know him when I final year. He is the person that make my final year birthday remarkable (main organisor). It is surprisingly that Eugene can recognise him as the person. Anyway, really didn't regret helping him at all.
Ah Kok (not really know his fullname), civil school dai lou, mostly the dai lou that closest to me. One so white, one so black haha.
Two more people to be introduced here. Lee Shih Yung (left), another best friend in university, play an important role before and after my internship. Lau Seh Lee, the best soccer player I ever get to know in my life(no need much explaination la, this sentence will make him very satiesfied already).
Weird photo, I forget what this guy name is, since he live opposite my room at final year, and we not really have any conversation. Have a great smile.
My USM family! Adik, super adik, hyper adik... Don't understand one ask USM people......
USM education counselor group? End up less so few people? Where is Ng Tiong Yew, my best partner?
Looks like Ng Tiong Yew is here, standing at my left hand side. Just can say I won't become who I am proud to be now if I don't know him in my life. Can't admit that he is so far the person in this world that most understand me. The fellow standing at my right hand side is Yong Shong Liang, another best friend of university (so many best friend, but I really mean it wheneve I mentioned), also help a lot when I work, since me always phone and disturb him when i bored of work.
One amazing things during convocation is the length of photo session. Let's take an easy example. Every graduate will have one family member taking own camera. Let's say 3 graduate taking photo together, then 3 camera will be there. When the forth person enter, then 4th camera will enter also, and the 4 camera need to retake photo again (because add one more people, the content of the photo will different). Why am I wasting time here explain this simple theory? Well, it is due to the incident occured at convo. I end up standing there keep on smiling for more then 5 minutes while 20++ camera continuosly (yes, is continuously) taking photo. Long smile, and amazing scenery, guess I won't have that chance anymore.....
Below are some photos at that session:
Still less people, easy, cheers~
One example of photo taken. Imagine the crowd, each people have one camera, and the camera man end up need to stand at so far side angle......
Here are some continuos photo, looks good everyone here......
Need to change some post, good also for the frozen smile......
Preparing to throw hat(mortar board)! Eventually throughout the whole time I think I already throw for 5 times++ (don't throw too high, since you will need it back very soon, and it might get lost or mix with other people......)
Opps, where is my mortar board?
Still not throw yet.....
Throw finally!!! Happy graduate!!!!!!
(So far I havn't got all the photos, and for those that I didn't mention or post photo here don't feel upset, you all will always be in my heart)
After all those photo session, already 1pm. Don't have any people to eat with (can't eat with other people family, and if go out with whole bunch of junior, feel weird and expensive to pay for all). Luckily still got Chin Hooi (somehow sometimes he like to stay alone). Have a nice lunch in Kim Garry at Queensbay, later go back to his house to take some nap, but end up can't sleep well. Feel dizzy, and end up can't go anyway at night. Sorry for those whom I promise to plan for gathering but end up nothing happened......
Woke up a bit late at Saturday morning, rush to USM but end up didn't return my robe. Later rush to Gurney for sing K with friends.
This photo can see my watch clearer.Still enjoy singing as usual, got feel like my singing skill a bit improve, but the outcome still need ask the audience (not really got any people feel me sing good......)
After that need to rush back home, end up drop by my real school, USM kkj (too tired, fell asleep when driving, dangerous). Slept in Yok San room for awhile, then have a dinner at the restoran behind Maybank near Nibong Tebal there with Yok San, Zhuo Ming, Kok Weng, and one more Kok Weng's friend. Treat junior first time, something that I always want and hope to do long time ago. RM97 for 5 people, got sotong, scallope, vegetable, egg, and pork leg, not bad.
Reach home at 10pm, then sleep at around 12am. Woke up at 10am++, then have to pack to go back KL and need to start work. All the best, and thank you again for everyone!
(Wonder how long can this post go......)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
九把刀 功夫
Sunday, August 9, 2009
那天星期五放工之后觉得不是很爽,觉得做工太累,很久没有出去玩,所以就在回家路上,弯了进去Tropiciana Plaza(大概是这样的一间建筑物)。感觉不错,喜欢比较少人的地方。因为要放松一下,所以选了《大内密探零零狗》。
说到爱之深,责之切,那么王晶也是令我失望。当年一套《提防老千》让我对王晶重拾信心,但是这套戏我却不能恭维。故事内容空洞不在话下,主题也没有。再说搞笑方面,简直是烂透了。说到搞笑,王晶的香港戏,竟然连西洋动画monster vs alien和ice age 3都不如。拍摄的手法也很奇怪,画面一点也不像大制作。过多的武打画面,也变得陈腔烂调,不堪入目。到了零零狗的新发明,也变得不新不旧,不伦不类。十年前可能是经典,但是十年后再拿出来就未必是了。编剧很明显没用心,无论在发明或者笑点都无法感动人。
之前到了KL也进戏院看了几出戏,往往故意进去看的戏都令我失望,不小心去看的戏反而不错。先说transformer:rise of the fallen,简直就令我肚烂到死,看看下我还睡着了。非常肚烂,为什么要那么多美军出来,难道要像marvellous vs capcom这样子,搞一个transformer vs army?上一集的那个一点点的美军我还可以忍让,但是这一集太态夸张了吧,单单看美军就至少30分钟++了。动作来说可能当今世上没有多少戏可以比这套多,但是大部分时候我只看到两团机器在扭来扭去,而且真的要看炸弹子弹爆破场面,也不要披着transformer来啊,去另外开一个戏啦。最后一场架还打了几乎一个小时。故事逻辑性又低(这个我不想解释,自己想)。全片除了jetfire(天火,这个名字我喜欢)出来和最后jetfire让optimus prime装甲进化之外,真的没多少可取之处。我朋友说这套戏不切题,应该叫rise of the prime哈哈。
无意中看了the taking of pelham 123,蛮不错的电影(可能是没有抱任何期望)。故事不错,演员不错,情节不错,还留下了很多想象空间,至少算是到现在为止我来到KL看过最好看的戏了。
那天星期五放工之后觉得不是很爽,觉得做工太累,很久没有出去玩,所以就在回家路上,弯了进去Tropiciana Plaza(大概是这样的一间建筑物)。感觉不错,喜欢比较少人的地方。因为要放松一下,所以选了《大内密探零零狗》。
说到爱之深,责之切,那么王晶也是令我失望。当年一套《提防老千》让我对王晶重拾信心,但是这套戏我却不能恭维。故事内容空洞不在话下,主题也没有。再说搞笑方面,简直是烂透了。说到搞笑,王晶的香港戏,竟然连西洋动画monster vs alien和ice age 3都不如。拍摄的手法也很奇怪,画面一点也不像大制作。过多的武打画面,也变得陈腔烂调,不堪入目。到了零零狗的新发明,也变得不新不旧,不伦不类。十年前可能是经典,但是十年后再拿出来就未必是了。编剧很明显没用心,无论在发明或者笑点都无法感动人。
之前到了KL也进戏院看了几出戏,往往故意进去看的戏都令我失望,不小心去看的戏反而不错。先说transformer:rise of the fallen,简直就令我肚烂到死,看看下我还睡着了。非常肚烂,为什么要那么多美军出来,难道要像marvellous vs capcom这样子,搞一个transformer vs army?上一集的那个一点点的美军我还可以忍让,但是这一集太态夸张了吧,单单看美军就至少30分钟++了。动作来说可能当今世上没有多少戏可以比这套多,但是大部分时候我只看到两团机器在扭来扭去,而且真的要看炸弹子弹爆破场面,也不要披着transformer来啊,去另外开一个戏啦。最后一场架还打了几乎一个小时。故事逻辑性又低(这个我不想解释,自己想)。全片除了jetfire(天火,这个名字我喜欢)出来和最后jetfire让optimus prime装甲进化之外,真的没多少可取之处。我朋友说这套戏不切题,应该叫rise of the prime哈哈。
无意中看了the taking of pelham 123,蛮不错的电影(可能是没有抱任何期望)。故事不错,演员不错,情节不错,还留下了很多想象空间,至少算是到现在为止我来到KL看过最好看的戏了。
Monday, June 29, 2009
The End
I made a decision. This decision brought up more problem, more conflict, more selection, more struggle (sounds almost like Pandora's box). Somehow I opened it.
Sounds deep right? I believe that most of my close friend know what happened to me. Sooner or later, I will have a different life (compare to now), and I don't think I will continue on this blog anymore. There are too much things that is happening yet I can't share it here.
Life is difficult, I always know that. Somehow life always appear more and more difficult every time I meet it/him/perhaps her or HER? Wonder how far more I can travel with this more and more burden keep on input to me (eventually somehow this is my choice to take all those burdens).
There were interesting things happened within this date and the last date I updated, and eventually I hope to update the April Genting trip and June Genting trip, but I think somehow I can't make it already. Feel so sorry, I am still not strong enough.
If I tell you I am not frustrated I am lying you. If i tell you I am not angry I am also lying you. Human's destiny is alone, I don't believe that, but start to follow now. Wonder when only can find the one that fully understand and accept me, and even if i found, then how? Life still as difficult as usual.
Time to say goodbye, thanks to the support for so long, I really appreciate it, but don't really remember it, and it really won't help much in encouraging me also. This is me.
Sounds deep right? I believe that most of my close friend know what happened to me. Sooner or later, I will have a different life (compare to now), and I don't think I will continue on this blog anymore. There are too much things that is happening yet I can't share it here.
Life is difficult, I always know that. Somehow life always appear more and more difficult every time I meet it/him/perhaps her or HER? Wonder how far more I can travel with this more and more burden keep on input to me (eventually somehow this is my choice to take all those burdens).
There were interesting things happened within this date and the last date I updated, and eventually I hope to update the April Genting trip and June Genting trip, but I think somehow I can't make it already. Feel so sorry, I am still not strong enough.
If I tell you I am not frustrated I am lying you. If i tell you I am not angry I am also lying you. Human's destiny is alone, I don't believe that, but start to follow now. Wonder when only can find the one that fully understand and accept me, and even if i found, then how? Life still as difficult as usual.
Time to say goodbye, thanks to the support for so long, I really appreciate it, but don't really remember it, and it really won't help much in encouraging me also. This is me.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday morning I straight away travel back to USJ 21 office. Since office open at 9am, so I wake up late and go. Reach a bit late, have a chat with Mr. Chee, and he tell me the same thing as David told me at Tuesday, that is if earn money earn a bit, then better don't do work and stay at home. (Behind it got a big theory, but I don't know how to express here) After that, I follow Ah To instruction and travel to Puchong to pick up something (first time reach Puchong, really a big task for road idiot like me). The problem appear when I need to travel back to Mont Kiara side. I think I end up follow the wrong road, but finally let me find back Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong, LDP (damn it, they really don't show the sign board for LDP), feel so touched.
After reach site is already lunch time. Ah To tell me that he don't want go out to eat. So I and Eugene sneak out to eat. He suggested that we go to plaza damas. He said that if I got RM100 then can eat TGI Friday. End up I only got RM80, so we choose a restaurant name "Bagel and Coffee Station". It is something like Dounut burger. I ate a set with Dounut (actually the bread name is Bagel, where it looks like dounut, but the concentration is much more higher) and 2 hotdogs. Not bad. Since Eugene have Taylor college student card, end up we get discoun and can buy 1 free 1 for ice blended coffee. When we leave the restaurant, we saw our site project manager sitting there drinking Starbuck Coffee. He seems a bit surprise to see me and Eugene there. Nothing much to say after lunch, just continue to work until almost 8pm, then go back home. Have a nice phone call conversation with Yok San since 18/06 is his birthday.
After reach site is already lunch time. Ah To tell me that he don't want go out to eat. So I and Eugene sneak out to eat. He suggested that we go to plaza damas. He said that if I got RM100 then can eat TGI Friday. End up I only got RM80, so we choose a restaurant name "Bagel and Coffee Station". It is something like Dounut burger. I ate a set with Dounut (actually the bread name is Bagel, where it looks like dounut, but the concentration is much more higher) and 2 hotdogs. Not bad. Since Eugene have Taylor college student card, end up we get discoun and can buy 1 free 1 for ice blended coffee. When we leave the restaurant, we saw our site project manager sitting there drinking Starbuck Coffee. He seems a bit surprise to see me and Eugene there. Nothing much to say after lunch, just continue to work until almost 8pm, then go back home. Have a nice phone call conversation with Yok San since 18/06 is his birthday.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Today work as normal. Just before lunch, the supervisor of Spectrum (a company that help us to core hole in site), Ah Loan, enter our office and start to chat with us. Inside his conversation he got mention about prostitute. They call him "prince", and call Eugene "shareholder", I also don't know why, no dare ask. Anyway this is first time I heard people with real experience in this field sharing this things, since I am such a well behave and high moral kid.
Second attempt to go back early today, end up fail to do so. Escape at 7pm, then rush back home then rush to Sunway Pyramid to watch "Monster vs Allien" with Han Lyn. First time watch 3-D movie. A moderate animation, story line middle rating, full of jokes, added with minor 3-D, still acceptable anyway.
Second attempt to go back early today, end up fail to do so. Escape at 7pm, then rush back home then rush to Sunway Pyramid to watch "Monster vs Allien" with Han Lyn. First time watch 3-D movie. A moderate animation, story line middle rating, full of jokes, added with minor 3-D, still acceptable anyway.
Today wake up late a bit, end up reach site almost 9am...... Mr To ask me drive back to Subang Jaya office to return back the pressure gage. A bit far, but is ok. From site drive back to my house is around 20 minutes, then from my house to office another 20 minutes plus. Reach office, return the gages, then say hi to everybody inside office. Being called by dear David Tan to his office. He start to teach me theory of life again, eventhough yesterday night when meet at badminton side, he already lecture me and Han Lyn a bit. Somehow, what he tell me all are so reasonable and useful. A bit regret that I didn't write down what he teach me, since my memory is very low, and will forget soon. Anyway, I somehow remember that, at Monday night, he said that young man need to know how to count and find money, don't always feel shy, kind and generous. He told us that there is one book name "thick face black heart"somemore. At tuesday morning, he also mention a lot of things. Really never met people like him that make me so respect, admire, and everytime also can convince me. Listen to him for 45 minutes, then travel back to site, then eat lunch.After that work. Plan to get back home early, but being "invited" to go site walk by Mr. To when almost 6pm, end up reach home at 8:30pm......
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tiring day, sleep at 2am, wake up at 6am. Drive to work, end up reach too early, don't know do what. Have a breakfast at canteen there, then slow slow go up my site. Being summoned by Faizal, accompany him do his work. After that meet Didik, also follow him do his work. After that, plan to continue my coring work, but being asked to fetch Mike go out to buy KFC for all workers, since Mr. Khoriq has won a lottery prices. End up spending up to RM500++ for 150 pieces of chickens. Having a nice lunch and conversation with Mike, Khoriq, and another guy (forget ask his name, tomorrow need to ask see). Still remember last time, I never think of work with even a lots of Malays or Indians, but now end up eating together and always fool around with so many other races people. Life is really so wonderful and unpredictable sometimes.
So, eventually, at this lunch, I have been treat for 2 dinner plates (eating at KFC 1 set, then take away back to office 1 set, but I end up only manage to finish 1 set). Talk about this meal, I have to mention that, this is don't know how many times I have been treat eat since I work here. If not mistaken is already 6-7 meals. I worked in Multi National Company Agilent Technology for 3 months, and I only been treat for 1 meals...... No comment.
After lunch, continue to work. Have a site walk with Mr. Kholiq again, and learn new things again. Before going back, manage to have some conversation to Eugene. Quite enjoy chatting with him, since I think he is the person in site that have most similar thought with me, and we share so many topics.
When drive back home, slept in car. Remain in sleeping mode for almost 20 minutes, so dangerous. After that rush to play badminton, involve in minor accident. This is already the second time accident within 4 days...... That damn blind driver!!!!!!
So, eventually, at this lunch, I have been treat for 2 dinner plates (eating at KFC 1 set, then take away back to office 1 set, but I end up only manage to finish 1 set). Talk about this meal, I have to mention that, this is don't know how many times I have been treat eat since I work here. If not mistaken is already 6-7 meals. I worked in Multi National Company Agilent Technology for 3 months, and I only been treat for 1 meals...... No comment.
After lunch, continue to work. Have a site walk with Mr. Kholiq again, and learn new things again. Before going back, manage to have some conversation to Eugene. Quite enjoy chatting with him, since I think he is the person in site that have most similar thought with me, and we share so many topics.
When drive back home, slept in car. Remain in sleeping mode for almost 20 minutes, so dangerous. After that rush to play badminton, involve in minor accident. This is already the second time accident within 4 days...... That damn blind driver!!!!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Don't feel like want to sleep at the moment i write this blog, since really sleep too much this few days. This blog has been officially launched since the first day I work, till today. Received some comments, some good and some not so good. Some people said that my content actually repeating. Sad......
Just come to update this week work activities (since only work, no other activity).
Monday (08/06/09):
Last day struggling while waiting my manager come back. Thanks to those who really take care of me when my manager not around, my dear colleague Mike and Ah Keong, foreman Klorik, BGB Andy, Faizal, and Lai, etc......
Tuesday (09/06/09):
Received a sms at 1am, bringing news that Eugene and To will reach at afternoon. Means I have to enter one more meeting before they come back. End up going...... Being scold a bit by main con, but I still can take it. While I am releasing my anger at canteen eating (I never really eat at 10am tea time normally), there I meet my late coming To. So, boss come back, and settle everything. Me did a few wrong things when he not around (as expected also, I think), and he solve it again without blaming me. There goes the end of my first climax in my first career.
Not really can recall back what have i done this two days. Just try to work on those things that my manager ask me to do long times ago but I haven't complete. Have a nice phone call conversation with 金光, the friend that I know in 全升 at end of my first year. We actually didn't meet much, since he is studying in UTM. Most of the time our conversation is inside msn, and this is the first time i phone him. But amazingly, we understand each other so much.
Friday (12/06/09):
Work as usual. My big brother Eugene ask me to go have drink at 10am something, and I reject him, since I have just 2 more level for my job to clear. He then ask me to go to canteen, and tell me that To got something ask him to assign me do. When I reach canteen (it actually takes almost at least 10 minutes for me to travel from the place I am working that time to canteen), he tell me that, Ah To ask me to 忙里偷闲...... (哭笑不得)......
Later when I reach office, To also ask whether I am overload or not, and not dare to assign works to me...... I don't know what have actually happened also. Eventually I am quite slow in working, since i always "ular" when no people see me. Besides, many other people all ask me to learn faster and more hardworking. Anyway, a bit touched for all my colleagues concern also.
Saturday and Sunday diary will be out for a few moments later, that will be another story.
Start next week (15/06/2009), will be the second month in my career. Time to speed up more my effort. My senior and ex-roomate, Goh Lian Chin told me that work in site need to be very hardworking, so I guest I have to spend up more times on working place already. And also, I need to keep fit. time to quit dinner. God bless me!!!
Don't feel like want to sleep at the moment i write this blog, since really sleep too much this few days. This blog has been officially launched since the first day I work, till today. Received some comments, some good and some not so good. Some people said that my content actually repeating. Sad......
Just come to update this week work activities (since only work, no other activity).
Monday (08/06/09):
Last day struggling while waiting my manager come back. Thanks to those who really take care of me when my manager not around, my dear colleague Mike and Ah Keong, foreman Klorik, BGB Andy, Faizal, and Lai, etc......
Tuesday (09/06/09):
Received a sms at 1am, bringing news that Eugene and To will reach at afternoon. Means I have to enter one more meeting before they come back. End up going...... Being scold a bit by main con, but I still can take it. While I am releasing my anger at canteen eating (I never really eat at 10am tea time normally), there I meet my late coming To. So, boss come back, and settle everything. Me did a few wrong things when he not around (as expected also, I think), and he solve it again without blaming me. There goes the end of my first climax in my first career.
Not really can recall back what have i done this two days. Just try to work on those things that my manager ask me to do long times ago but I haven't complete. Have a nice phone call conversation with 金光, the friend that I know in 全升 at end of my first year. We actually didn't meet much, since he is studying in UTM. Most of the time our conversation is inside msn, and this is the first time i phone him. But amazingly, we understand each other so much.
Friday (12/06/09):
Work as usual. My big brother Eugene ask me to go have drink at 10am something, and I reject him, since I have just 2 more level for my job to clear. He then ask me to go to canteen, and tell me that To got something ask him to assign me do. When I reach canteen (it actually takes almost at least 10 minutes for me to travel from the place I am working that time to canteen), he tell me that, Ah To ask me to 忙里偷闲...... (哭笑不得)......
Later when I reach office, To also ask whether I am overload or not, and not dare to assign works to me...... I don't know what have actually happened also. Eventually I am quite slow in working, since i always "ular" when no people see me. Besides, many other people all ask me to learn faster and more hardworking. Anyway, a bit touched for all my colleagues concern also.
Saturday and Sunday diary will be out for a few moments later, that will be another story.
Start next week (15/06/2009), will be the second month in my career. Time to speed up more my effort. My senior and ex-roomate, Goh Lian Chin told me that work in site need to be very hardworking, so I guest I have to spend up more times on working place already. And also, I need to keep fit. time to quit dinner. God bless me!!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Site is like a DREAM
Site really is like a dream. Anyway, this few days is extreme time for my site career. Since my manager and one of my dependable colleague is not around for 3 days, I have to temporary take over of their job. It is really busy and high pressure time, since I still don't know most of the thing. And I don't have enough time for all my job to be done. Monday will be the last day, can I survive? Can I finish all my tasks at Tuesday when my manager come back? Site is like a dream, I still not used to people call me Ah Ling.
Anyway, thanks to one of my old best friend, I have had a nice and comfort weekend, I will become my motivation to continue on my life.
Anyway, thanks to one of my old best friend, I have had a nice and comfort weekend, I will become my motivation to continue on my life.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I am back!!! After so many days did not touch my blog, some even asked whether my blog died already. It's ok, just recently a bit busy, and might be a bit hard for me to reorganize what happened so many days ago. Be prepare, since it might be a long one (eventually I want to write yesterday, but end up left my small notice book at car, so can't make it).
Let's talk about my work first. Really feel glad having nice colleague. My manager, Ah To, always there to solve problems, share with me precious experience and teach me a lot of things, patiently. Mike (his Myanmar name is Aung Aung, so cute), looks simple, but actually very smart. Some how I didn't feel that he want to harm me, so still quite enjoy fooling around with him. (He like to play with Eugene when To not around). Finally but not less, Eugene, eventhough he is same age as me (actually is bigger then me la, we born at same year, but he is March, me December), but he take care of me as if I am his little brother. He even tell some other people that I am his younger brother, and really got one people believe. (I don't know whether he find out or not now). Anyway, I am still not used to when they call me "Ling" or "Ah Ling", feel a bit weird.
Now talk about other people beside my Qudotech. I am working at site name "Solaris Dutamas 2", its developer is Sunrise, and main con is BGB. The consultant is SSP and Aston Star. There are still other sub con like Poly and Cobrain (both working on electric), GAE (air con), Langsutra (gas), L.T.Y (box up or plaster, I also not clear, too many to remember). Somehow I have to remember the company, their workers, etc. Quite fun somehow can know a lot of new "friends", which will somehow instantly change into foe when got interception in work. When got boss like M&E coordinator, Site Manager, or other superior want check the site, then all subcon will follow. It is somehow like last ancient time when the emperor want to go out, than got 1 gang of people follow. It is somehow quite fun, and even in meeting, since all so funny and talkative. The atmosphere is really harmony, but it only occur when there are no problems. Site is like that, and I think real life also like that. Beside remember all the companies and other supervisors name, I also need to remember my own workers name. By right there are 60 qutotech workers at site, so I have to remember 60 names...... Very hard for me, especially some of them looks a like. Anyway, after this few days, I manage to recognise around 10 of them.
To become a good site supervisor, I must have good equipment (same like online game). After 1 weeks, I manage to assembly the basic equipment. Safety helmet, handphone bag (bringing a newer handphone, need protection from site), back bag (to bring everything, pants pocket is not enough), marker pens, pens, small note book, ruler tap, camera, water bottle, spray paint, torchlight. Somehow I already start to use to site work, start to mix up with rude word in my conversation, throw rubbish and pee everywhere. Anyway, eventhough my appearance already same to the site, my personality and requirement still haven't reach. I found out that I very hard to stay focus for a long period of time (sometime 5 minutes also cannot stand). This is a very serious problem, sometimes feel myself so stupid and useless, can't remember the things that other people tell or teach me.
For this week, for the first few days, I reach site quite late (after 8:30am), and my morning is usually not much thing to do. Sometimes I even free till phone some friends. And once after lunch, all tasks will appear making me busy till 6pm. As time goes by, the busy time extended. Eventually, for 4th, 5th and 8th of June, is my critical moment. This is because To and Eugene has went to China for company trip, left me and Mike at site, so I have attend all meetings, and appear for all questions. A hard task, somehow I manage to survive for first day, but don't know whether I can hang up for 2 days. I really don't hope other people say that after 2 weeks at site, I can't solve simple tasks. This 2 days I am the last supervisor go back home, after 7:30pm, so a bit short of time also.
A funny fact about site. As all know this Saturday is Agong's brithday, all people should be happy for the holiday. But at site, all people so serious about the holiday, and discussing on how to prevent outside people know our workers working etc, really a different world.
Nowadays, every week I will go play badminton. This past Monday, I and Han Lyn go play again. Me still bad as usual, being lessoned by many people there. One fun thing is, my boss David, he bet RM10 that I can make pumping for 20 times, and I made it, hence I get the RM10.
Life always got happy and sad things. Eventually, when doing this work, I didn't get much support. All coursemate won't enter site, my family also not agree on me having this job. My mother phone me twice and ask me change job, my brother told me better apply for multinational company, my father also don't think working long in site is good. Feel frustrated and confused somehow. I understand all their point actually. But somehow I think working in site can train me into become a complete human, and I think it is harder for other job. I also think sometime, whether I have to work in site everyday, end up go back home dirty and smelly? Or enter a big company, everyday sit office, get company laptop and benefits......
Let's talk about my work first. Really feel glad having nice colleague. My manager, Ah To, always there to solve problems, share with me precious experience and teach me a lot of things, patiently. Mike (his Myanmar name is Aung Aung, so cute), looks simple, but actually very smart. Some how I didn't feel that he want to harm me, so still quite enjoy fooling around with him. (He like to play with Eugene when To not around). Finally but not less, Eugene, eventhough he is same age as me (actually is bigger then me la, we born at same year, but he is March, me December), but he take care of me as if I am his little brother. He even tell some other people that I am his younger brother, and really got one people believe. (I don't know whether he find out or not now). Anyway, I am still not used to when they call me "Ling" or "Ah Ling", feel a bit weird.
Now talk about other people beside my Qudotech. I am working at site name "Solaris Dutamas 2", its developer is Sunrise, and main con is BGB. The consultant is SSP and Aston Star. There are still other sub con like Poly and Cobrain (both working on electric), GAE (air con), Langsutra (gas), L.T.Y (box up or plaster, I also not clear, too many to remember). Somehow I have to remember the company, their workers, etc. Quite fun somehow can know a lot of new "friends", which will somehow instantly change into foe when got interception in work. When got boss like M&E coordinator, Site Manager, or other superior want check the site, then all subcon will follow. It is somehow like last ancient time when the emperor want to go out, than got 1 gang of people follow. It is somehow quite fun, and even in meeting, since all so funny and talkative. The atmosphere is really harmony, but it only occur when there are no problems. Site is like that, and I think real life also like that. Beside remember all the companies and other supervisors name, I also need to remember my own workers name. By right there are 60 qutotech workers at site, so I have to remember 60 names...... Very hard for me, especially some of them looks a like. Anyway, after this few days, I manage to recognise around 10 of them.
To become a good site supervisor, I must have good equipment (same like online game). After 1 weeks, I manage to assembly the basic equipment. Safety helmet, handphone bag (bringing a newer handphone, need protection from site), back bag (to bring everything, pants pocket is not enough), marker pens, pens, small note book, ruler tap, camera, water bottle, spray paint, torchlight. Somehow I already start to use to site work, start to mix up with rude word in my conversation, throw rubbish and pee everywhere. Anyway, eventhough my appearance already same to the site, my personality and requirement still haven't reach. I found out that I very hard to stay focus for a long period of time (sometime 5 minutes also cannot stand). This is a very serious problem, sometimes feel myself so stupid and useless, can't remember the things that other people tell or teach me.
For this week, for the first few days, I reach site quite late (after 8:30am), and my morning is usually not much thing to do. Sometimes I even free till phone some friends. And once after lunch, all tasks will appear making me busy till 6pm. As time goes by, the busy time extended. Eventually, for 4th, 5th and 8th of June, is my critical moment. This is because To and Eugene has went to China for company trip, left me and Mike at site, so I have attend all meetings, and appear for all questions. A hard task, somehow I manage to survive for first day, but don't know whether I can hang up for 2 days. I really don't hope other people say that after 2 weeks at site, I can't solve simple tasks. This 2 days I am the last supervisor go back home, after 7:30pm, so a bit short of time also.
A funny fact about site. As all know this Saturday is Agong's brithday, all people should be happy for the holiday. But at site, all people so serious about the holiday, and discussing on how to prevent outside people know our workers working etc, really a different world.
Nowadays, every week I will go play badminton. This past Monday, I and Han Lyn go play again. Me still bad as usual, being lessoned by many people there. One fun thing is, my boss David, he bet RM10 that I can make pumping for 20 times, and I made it, hence I get the RM10.
Life always got happy and sad things. Eventually, when doing this work, I didn't get much support. All coursemate won't enter site, my family also not agree on me having this job. My mother phone me twice and ask me change job, my brother told me better apply for multinational company, my father also don't think working long in site is good. Feel frustrated and confused somehow. I understand all their point actually. But somehow I think working in site can train me into become a complete human, and I think it is harder for other job. I also think sometime, whether I have to work in site everyday, end up go back home dirty and smelly? Or enter a big company, everyday sit office, get company laptop and benefits......
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Another same day, nothing much different. I think this is almost the end of the diary, since there are nothing much new to be added here. I might only update here is there are something special happened. Thanks for the support!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Today is yet another work day, wake up a bit late, rush till company at 820am, not bad also, new house really have shorter road.
Start to work, nothing special also, start to get better with some higher rank people.
Mike a bit naughty today, since Mr. To is not around, and he seems happy because he successfully get a porn from some people's laptop and plan to watch at night with his wife. When I ask him:"Do you think I am suitable for this work", he said "Sure, what also can success if you willing to do" (Eugene tell me Mike is too optimist at the moment, no comment).
I got reason why I ask Mike that question. I just receive a phone call asking for interview from a company name True Water Cooling Tower S/B. Some how I just reject the offer for interview. Later when I reach home, I accept another offer from IME Technology S/B. End up I also reject it. (I end up lost again when travel home. Frustrated x 8).
At night go play badminton, lost badly. My boss, David, and another uncle, all end up come and teach me the basic of playing badminton. Well, I would like to learn that. Just don't understand why David ask his 9 years old daughter call me uncle...... His daughter, don't know what name, have a better skill then me also......
Some how another tiring day, end up I everyday just sleep 5 hours, some how I hope can sleep more......
Start to work, nothing special also, start to get better with some higher rank people.
Mike a bit naughty today, since Mr. To is not around, and he seems happy because he successfully get a porn from some people's laptop and plan to watch at night with his wife. When I ask him:"Do you think I am suitable for this work", he said "Sure, what also can success if you willing to do" (Eugene tell me Mike is too optimist at the moment, no comment).
I got reason why I ask Mike that question. I just receive a phone call asking for interview from a company name True Water Cooling Tower S/B. Some how I just reject the offer for interview. Later when I reach home, I accept another offer from IME Technology S/B. End up I also reject it. (I end up lost again when travel home. Frustrated x 8).
At night go play badminton, lost badly. My boss, David, and another uncle, all end up come and teach me the basic of playing badminton. Well, I would like to learn that. Just don't understand why David ask his 9 years old daughter call me uncle...... His daughter, don't know what name, have a better skill then me also......
Some how another tiring day, end up I everyday just sleep 5 hours, some how I hope can sleep more......
This day diary is quite lay backed, since I only managed to publish at Monday evening. Anyway straight to the point.
Eventually I spend my Saturday night sleeping at my friend's Lam Thow Kong's rented room at Kelana D'Putra. The reason why I am there is because I need his help for finding rooms. The journey to his house is totally a mess, since I somehow took 2 hours to travel from USJ 2 to Kelana Jaya. (Ling Chi Bing=road idiot). My objective there is to find room, but end up watching people play dota......
The above happened at Saturday night. I manage to wake up at 9am at Sunday. It is mostly due to the habit of waking up early everyday. (Wonder why Thow Kong can sleep until 1pm......) That's why we start looking for room at late afternoon. We manage to move all stuff from my usj house to car, then stand by at Kelana D'Putra there. Somehow, I still decide to rent Kelana D'Putra.
Get a small room (really small) at price of RM260, with the contract of one year (don't know I can stay for so long or not), deposit of 2 months. It is quite cheap actually, but somehow I still need to find a car park for rent, since here don't have places for that.
When I decide to park my car outside the condo, one of my wheel fell into a hole (it is actually not a hole also, because it is initially being cement as road, and don't ask me why when my wheel move above the cement, it will become a hole). Luckily Thow Kong was beside me that time, and somehow we manage to move the wheel out after using almost half an hours time.
Busy day, tiring day, not enough sleep again......
(Let me introduce Mr. Lam Thow Kong to all my friends. I know him since I was form 1. We played hide and seek at school after the afternoon session end, around 6 something like that, after almost every other people left, but I think just form 1 got play. We have been in same class till form 5, stick quite close together. After form 5, he start to drive car, and he usually go to my house and fetch me go out together like go tuition or cyber cafe, until my parents also know him. We also applied JPA together (form 5 one), but end up he get bio technology at Australia.
He is a lucky boy. Talented, with a quite handsome face and good ratio body, above average family, good personality. He is now working at KL in Accenture, having a salary much more higher then me eventhough we both are fresh graduate. Really an old, true, and good friend. Thank you!!!!!!)
A bit frustrated. I already put my meebo/msn nick as http://lingchibing.blogspot.com. People even questioned me when I msn them say I got blog. Don't that link looks like a blog!!!!
Eventually I spend my Saturday night sleeping at my friend's Lam Thow Kong's rented room at Kelana D'Putra. The reason why I am there is because I need his help for finding rooms. The journey to his house is totally a mess, since I somehow took 2 hours to travel from USJ 2 to Kelana Jaya. (Ling Chi Bing=road idiot). My objective there is to find room, but end up watching people play dota......
The above happened at Saturday night. I manage to wake up at 9am at Sunday. It is mostly due to the habit of waking up early everyday. (Wonder why Thow Kong can sleep until 1pm......) That's why we start looking for room at late afternoon. We manage to move all stuff from my usj house to car, then stand by at Kelana D'Putra there. Somehow, I still decide to rent Kelana D'Putra.
Get a small room (really small) at price of RM260, with the contract of one year (don't know I can stay for so long or not), deposit of 2 months. It is quite cheap actually, but somehow I still need to find a car park for rent, since here don't have places for that.
When I decide to park my car outside the condo, one of my wheel fell into a hole (it is actually not a hole also, because it is initially being cement as road, and don't ask me why when my wheel move above the cement, it will become a hole). Luckily Thow Kong was beside me that time, and somehow we manage to move the wheel out after using almost half an hours time.
Busy day, tiring day, not enough sleep again......
(Let me introduce Mr. Lam Thow Kong to all my friends. I know him since I was form 1. We played hide and seek at school after the afternoon session end, around 6 something like that, after almost every other people left, but I think just form 1 got play. We have been in same class till form 5, stick quite close together. After form 5, he start to drive car, and he usually go to my house and fetch me go out together like go tuition or cyber cafe, until my parents also know him. We also applied JPA together (form 5 one), but end up he get bio technology at Australia.
He is a lucky boy. Talented, with a quite handsome face and good ratio body, above average family, good personality. He is now working at KL in Accenture, having a salary much more higher then me eventhough we both are fresh graduate. Really an old, true, and good friend. Thank you!!!!!!)
A bit frustrated. I already put my meebo/msn nick as http://lingchibing.blogspot.com. People even questioned me when I msn them say I got blog. Don't that link looks like a blog!!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Today is Saturday, still have to work......
Anyway since this is Saturday, so I don't have to set off earlier, since there won't be any traffic jam on road (according to others). So, I end up wake up a bit late, actually also late for 30minutes, and have time to eat breakfast with Han Lyn. After that I go to work.
Reach site with finally using the correct road (first time correct after 4 days). Glad to see Eugene is back to work from his MC. Followed Ah Keong go do marking at site (I still poor at recognize the building structure and map, need to work hard on that later). Have lunch with my manager Mr. To (free meal again, feel a bit shy). Have some chats with him, he is a really capable person. Anyway he still think this field is not suitable for me, I have to work much more harder to prove to him.
Eventually, inside site, the communication style is totally different with the world that I have been living for so many years. Instantly, when you meet a person, you have to communicate with him as if he is your old good friend. There are no words like shy, "paiseh", at here. I am still quite weak at this field, need to overcome my mindset.
After lunch, I follow To go site walk with Mr. Chin, one of the coordinator of M&E. M&E are those parts including cold and hot water piping, sanitary piping, electrical, air con system, etc. I am working for those cold and hot water and sanitary piping. Once a big man from main con or developer want to go around (so call site walk), all sub con representative (usually M&E are all sub con out) have to follow them go around. Anyway, the site walk consume a lot of time, almost 3 hours. Again, To shows great attitude. For all the problem being discovered during site walk, he don't even mention or care about how the problem occured. Means he no blame or scold anyone, but straight away think of solution to solve all those problems. (How long am I going to be like that, there are mountains to climb......)
After site walk then I go back home. Actually I just have to work half day for Saturday, but end up reach home at 6pm.
Here is another story that I want to share here, it is about Han Lyn's house owner. Initially when i came, she welcomed me. Then she allowed me to temporary stay at her house. She want me to stay there sharing room with Han Lyn till September until got empty room. But after I travel to my site, I found out that it is really far for me to travel from there to workplace (30km just to travel to site, means I everyday have to drive for 60km, and pay Rm5.20 tol). When she start to understand that I am not staying there, she start to move my thing around. When I start work, everyday when I reach back home I already exhausted. Which means, I don't have time to look for new places to stay at weekdays. Then at today, when I reach home, she change her statement from "you can actually share room with Han Lyn untill September (Han Lyn room is pretty small, is actually very pack if I sleep together inside)" into "I think you should move away at Sunday, here is too pack for too many people". Not really feeling upset actually, since reality is always like that. Also is my mistake, since believe in something not practical at the starting stage. But a bit frustrated actually. I got a few methods of solution. One is temporary live at other people house, and find slowly for a room to let. This is the alternate and moderate solution, but I don't want to trouble myself to move all my stuffs to one house, then after a short period of times move away again. It is also quite miserable to stay with friends' family. Not really want to think about it. Another solution is rent condo room at my old best friend, Lam Thow Kong's condo. This might be the fastest solution, but if I am going to live here, then I have to pay at least RM500 per month just for accommodation (rooms with full furnished, since I so need washing machince, and need rent parking slot somemore here). RM500 is such a big amount of money to me actually. Another way is give up condo, just find a normal house room with RM300++. Why I want a good room? Well, I work at a very bad condition site, great pressure, somehow I hope I can gain some kind of comfort when reach home. RM 300 might bring risk that I will become more tempered when reach home. And does my physical and mental comfort really worth RM500. Another decision have to be make, and in a short period of time.
My weekend......
One fun fact that I recognize today. Somehow I feel Eugene seems familiar. After scratching my head for a few minutes, I realize why I think so. This is because his voice, is total similar/same with Yi Jin's voice.
Anyway since this is Saturday, so I don't have to set off earlier, since there won't be any traffic jam on road (according to others). So, I end up wake up a bit late, actually also late for 30minutes, and have time to eat breakfast with Han Lyn. After that I go to work.
Reach site with finally using the correct road (first time correct after 4 days). Glad to see Eugene is back to work from his MC. Followed Ah Keong go do marking at site (I still poor at recognize the building structure and map, need to work hard on that later). Have lunch with my manager Mr. To (free meal again, feel a bit shy). Have some chats with him, he is a really capable person. Anyway he still think this field is not suitable for me, I have to work much more harder to prove to him.
Eventually, inside site, the communication style is totally different with the world that I have been living for so many years. Instantly, when you meet a person, you have to communicate with him as if he is your old good friend. There are no words like shy, "paiseh", at here. I am still quite weak at this field, need to overcome my mindset.
After lunch, I follow To go site walk with Mr. Chin, one of the coordinator of M&E. M&E are those parts including cold and hot water piping, sanitary piping, electrical, air con system, etc. I am working for those cold and hot water and sanitary piping. Once a big man from main con or developer want to go around (so call site walk), all sub con representative (usually M&E are all sub con out) have to follow them go around. Anyway, the site walk consume a lot of time, almost 3 hours. Again, To shows great attitude. For all the problem being discovered during site walk, he don't even mention or care about how the problem occured. Means he no blame or scold anyone, but straight away think of solution to solve all those problems. (How long am I going to be like that, there are mountains to climb......)
After site walk then I go back home. Actually I just have to work half day for Saturday, but end up reach home at 6pm.
Here is another story that I want to share here, it is about Han Lyn's house owner. Initially when i came, she welcomed me. Then she allowed me to temporary stay at her house. She want me to stay there sharing room with Han Lyn till September until got empty room. But after I travel to my site, I found out that it is really far for me to travel from there to workplace (30km just to travel to site, means I everyday have to drive for 60km, and pay Rm5.20 tol). When she start to understand that I am not staying there, she start to move my thing around. When I start work, everyday when I reach back home I already exhausted. Which means, I don't have time to look for new places to stay at weekdays. Then at today, when I reach home, she change her statement from "you can actually share room with Han Lyn untill September (Han Lyn room is pretty small, is actually very pack if I sleep together inside)" into "I think you should move away at Sunday, here is too pack for too many people". Not really feeling upset actually, since reality is always like that. Also is my mistake, since believe in something not practical at the starting stage. But a bit frustrated actually. I got a few methods of solution. One is temporary live at other people house, and find slowly for a room to let. This is the alternate and moderate solution, but I don't want to trouble myself to move all my stuffs to one house, then after a short period of times move away again. It is also quite miserable to stay with friends' family. Not really want to think about it. Another solution is rent condo room at my old best friend, Lam Thow Kong's condo. This might be the fastest solution, but if I am going to live here, then I have to pay at least RM500 per month just for accommodation (rooms with full furnished, since I so need washing machince, and need rent parking slot somemore here). RM500 is such a big amount of money to me actually. Another way is give up condo, just find a normal house room with RM300++. Why I want a good room? Well, I work at a very bad condition site, great pressure, somehow I hope I can gain some kind of comfort when reach home. RM 300 might bring risk that I will become more tempered when reach home. And does my physical and mental comfort really worth RM500. Another decision have to be make, and in a short period of time.
My weekend......
One fun fact that I recognize today. Somehow I feel Eugene seems familiar. After scratching my head for a few minutes, I realize why I think so. This is because his voice, is total similar/same with Yi Jin's voice.
Friday, May 22, 2009
I like my job!!!!!!
I just officially started my job at site for around 3 days. Eventually, I don't hate it. Quite like the place there (despite the really bad environment, why can't they just construct buildings inside a big air con room). The job scope of me is really wide. Very amazing to see my project manager handle so many things (almost everything) easily even though he just worked for 3 years like that. Wonder how long only can I reach his standard.
Somehow, I also quite like all the people here, always got surprise. Some foreign workers very pro, every people have different stories, etc. One funny fact is, in the site, almost every people know use the word "diu", including different races people. Quite funny listen Malays saying the word "diu". So even know words like "mahai", "lan jiao".
I am wearing white colour safety helmet. It is somehow the symbol of supervisor, hence all workers also greet me properly. It is somehow great, since can supervise so many things when just graduate.
Anyway, I might just feel excited about this new field of job. Really don't know how long will I stick here. But I hope can help me colleague to complete this site first......
Today is the third day for me to go to site, and I still end up using wrong road to my work place. Really frustrated when think about it. Hopefully tomorrow I can make it correctly.
Really tired. For so many days I have never been slept for more then 6 hours. Hope I can have more 2 hours tonight.
(want to go to apply touch and go and postpaid soon, but no time also......)
I just officially started my job at site for around 3 days. Eventually, I don't hate it. Quite like the place there (despite the really bad environment, why can't they just construct buildings inside a big air con room). The job scope of me is really wide. Very amazing to see my project manager handle so many things (almost everything) easily even though he just worked for 3 years like that. Wonder how long only can I reach his standard.
Somehow, I also quite like all the people here, always got surprise. Some foreign workers very pro, every people have different stories, etc. One funny fact is, in the site, almost every people know use the word "diu", including different races people. Quite funny listen Malays saying the word "diu". So even know words like "mahai", "lan jiao".
I am wearing white colour safety helmet. It is somehow the symbol of supervisor, hence all workers also greet me properly. It is somehow great, since can supervise so many things when just graduate.
Anyway, I might just feel excited about this new field of job. Really don't know how long will I stick here. But I hope can help me colleague to complete this site first......
Today is the third day for me to go to site, and I still end up using wrong road to my work place. Really frustrated when think about it. Hopefully tomorrow I can make it correctly.
Really tired. For so many days I have never been slept for more then 6 hours. Hope I can have more 2 hours tonight.
(want to go to apply touch and go and postpaid soon, but no time also......)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Second day to site. Manage to wake up early, settle everything, brought a newspaper then jump on car and start at 715am. Reach NKVE Jalan Duta Tol at 8am. Such an early time. Then, I end up getting into wrong road, and repeat the same mistaken road yesterday...... (means lost 1 more time). Somehow, this time I lost more systematically, and make up to site at 830am (there gone my times for newspaper)...
Today Eugene MC, so I follow another s ite supervisor, Mike (an experienced worker from Myanmar) for today. In our site there are 3 blocks, so we have 3 site supervisors and 1 project manager. For those who saw me recently, you all should know how fat and big size I am. But, the other 2 supervisors are having sizes bigger then me! Anyway, their ability are undoubtable since they can work in Qudotech for so long.
Nothing special, I follow Mike travel around sites doing his stuff (he got 1 company motor, the motor so pity, need carry 2 huge mass), listen to his story. He is really damn cute, can't believe that he already 31 years old. After lunch I go do marking with 1 subcon supervisor name ah keong. Not much work to do today, btu still got far more to learn.
After work I rush back to home, then go togegther with Han Lyn to badminton with our boss David (I really prefer call him "boss" then "David"). Han Lyn told me that there people all very strong. We warm up a bit, then start 1 double, where I team with David's son (13 years old, strong in badminton, I think better then Ah Dee), and Han Lyn team with another people there. We start our match, and I think I played my best match ever (due to the pressure of boss around......) , end up lost. Never played such exhausting match. David did come and motivate me after my game, but how come he add sentences like "your leg can't support your body"...... Anywhere, it is quite a good experience, I really like sports, and I will try to make it every monday and thursday.
I think thats all for today, still got plenty to share, but really damn tired. Still got a large amount of clothes to wash......
Today Eugene MC, so I follow another s ite supervisor, Mike (an experienced worker from Myanmar) for today. In our site there are 3 blocks, so we have 3 site supervisors and 1 project manager. For those who saw me recently, you all should know how fat and big size I am. But, the other 2 supervisors are having sizes bigger then me! Anyway, their ability are undoubtable since they can work in Qudotech for so long.
Nothing special, I follow Mike travel around sites doing his stuff (he got 1 company motor, the motor so pity, need carry 2 huge mass), listen to his story. He is really damn cute, can't believe that he already 31 years old. After lunch I go do marking with 1 subcon supervisor name ah keong. Not much work to do today, btu still got far more to learn.
After work I rush back to home, then go togegther with Han Lyn to badminton with our boss David (I really prefer call him "boss" then "David"). Han Lyn told me that there people all very strong. We warm up a bit, then start 1 double, where I team with David's son (13 years old, strong in badminton, I think better then Ah Dee), and Han Lyn team with another people there. We start our match, and I think I played my best match ever (due to the pressure of boss around......) , end up lost. Never played such exhausting match. David did come and motivate me after my game, but how come he add sentences like "your leg can't support your body"...... Anywhere, it is quite a good experience, I really like sports, and I will try to make it every monday and thursday.
I think thats all for today, still got plenty to share, but really damn tired. Still got a large amount of clothes to wash......
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today is the day that I can meet with my beloved Mr. David Tan and Mr. Chee and others, but have to move to site to meet strangers.
Back to the topic, today initially i plan to wake up at 6am, end up 7am. Oh my God, late for 1 hours!!! I manage to rush out from my house at 7:35, and head to Mont Kiara from my place USJ 2. A bit jam actually, and I scared I can't reach my site before 8:30am (Is my officially first day to site, and meet my new manager. Han Lyn's partner told me that my manager is a very strict person, hence I don't want to be late at the first day).
At 8:25am, I manage to get out tol at NKVE Jalan Duta. I somehow notice the building of my site just at my right hand site!!! So happy at that moment. End up, I follow a wrong road, and don't know go to where already. My thick map books somehow doesn't really help me at all, and I have to phone my new manager for several times (I can feel he not feel so patient already), stop and ask nearby people. When I manage to make it to my site (Solaris Dutamas 2), it is already 9:45am......
No people scold me anyway, and I get to meet my new partner name eugene. He is a nice guy. So temporary I will be under him until I learn how to do works myself. I also meet my manager, Mr. To. (and many many many more sites supervisor, workers, main com, architerct, subcon, coordinator, developer, etc......)
This job really undescribable (means I can't use any word to describe it, it is something amazing, miracle, astonish, but not really that good......). I learn so many new things everyday, new and many until I don't feel like I learn anything before I work here(something like baby just being borned out).
Site's condition is really disaster. Almost every breath got dust. It is the worst place for mechanical engineer to work with. I don't think more then 10 people of our badges mechanical engineers will willing to work on site (somehow Han Lyn totally didn't tell me anything).
However, as David and Chee told me, I can't just run away from problems when I face them. i just can't said that I feel hard then I run away. I have to think of solution to cope with it. So I will try my best to stay as long as possible to help out my colleague. (Today lunch is free again, a man name Mr. Chin, the M&E boss of the whole site is being influenced by my manager Mr. To to treat us all eat, eventhough it is just at the site cantine).
So that's all I want to share for today. I lost again when coming back, and take 1 hours instead of 30minutes. Do post some comments if don't understand or want to know more, so that I can know that still got some people that really concern about me.
Back to the topic, today initially i plan to wake up at 6am, end up 7am. Oh my God, late for 1 hours!!! I manage to rush out from my house at 7:35, and head to Mont Kiara from my place USJ 2. A bit jam actually, and I scared I can't reach my site before 8:30am (Is my officially first day to site, and meet my new manager. Han Lyn's partner told me that my manager is a very strict person, hence I don't want to be late at the first day).
At 8:25am, I manage to get out tol at NKVE Jalan Duta. I somehow notice the building of my site just at my right hand site!!! So happy at that moment. End up, I follow a wrong road, and don't know go to where already. My thick map books somehow doesn't really help me at all, and I have to phone my new manager for several times (I can feel he not feel so patient already), stop and ask nearby people. When I manage to make it to my site (Solaris Dutamas 2), it is already 9:45am......
No people scold me anyway, and I get to meet my new partner name eugene. He is a nice guy. So temporary I will be under him until I learn how to do works myself. I also meet my manager, Mr. To. (and many many many more sites supervisor, workers, main com, architerct, subcon, coordinator, developer, etc......)
This job really undescribable (means I can't use any word to describe it, it is something amazing, miracle, astonish, but not really that good......). I learn so many new things everyday, new and many until I don't feel like I learn anything before I work here(something like baby just being borned out).
Site's condition is really disaster. Almost every breath got dust. It is the worst place for mechanical engineer to work with. I don't think more then 10 people of our badges mechanical engineers will willing to work on site (somehow Han Lyn totally didn't tell me anything).
However, as David and Chee told me, I can't just run away from problems when I face them. i just can't said that I feel hard then I run away. I have to think of solution to cope with it. So I will try my best to stay as long as possible to help out my colleague. (Today lunch is free again, a man name Mr. Chin, the M&E boss of the whole site is being influenced by my manager Mr. To to treat us all eat, eventhough it is just at the site cantine).
So that's all I want to share for today. I lost again when coming back, and take 1 hours instead of 30minutes. Do post some comments if don't understand or want to know more, so that I can know that still got some people that really concern about me.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This is the second day, I still have to go back to office to continue starring at the drawings. I start to become naughty even though is just the second day. I start to feel sleepy and unfocused. Too bad. Need to change.
Chee ask me to photostat 2 books to take for study. I found out that I even worst then Wei Pin's philipine maid, since I took more then 30minuted to complete my task... Sweat......
Having lunch with my boss, dear Mr. David Tan today, adding another new companion named Mr. Phoon (I heard is a very experienced site supervisor). This is the most horrible meal I have ever attend. As a fresh graduate and a junior, I am the one that should be polite. Somehow, I miss out most of the chance and sit there quietly, while Mr. Chee and Mr. Phoon busying around with the chinese tea.... Really ashamed when need them pour tea for me. The most embarassing moment occured when I finally grab a chance to pour tea, I miss heard my boss "thank you" as "No, thank you", and I end up didn't pour for him...... There are really a huge distant between me with the success line.
Somehow I really like to listen to Mr. David's speech. he somehow motivated me again, even with just a lunch conversation like that. He ask me to go play badminton with them. As I know, our almighty han lyn has lost eventhough he is partnering with someone same level with opponent, and the opponent let them win 5 balls. Then the great David tell me:"You must pay to learn". (Every lost match need to pay RM5, han lyn also never win......)
Tomorrow I have to go to Mont Kiara and no need to go back to office. I will miss them, and thanks Meavis for her kind assitant on teaching me how to travel to my site. Hope somehow I can make it tomorrow. (I have been given safety shoes, a meter ruler, and white helmet at the first day......)
Chee ask me to photostat 2 books to take for study. I found out that I even worst then Wei Pin's philipine maid, since I took more then 30minuted to complete my task... Sweat......
Having lunch with my boss, dear Mr. David Tan today, adding another new companion named Mr. Phoon (I heard is a very experienced site supervisor). This is the most horrible meal I have ever attend. As a fresh graduate and a junior, I am the one that should be polite. Somehow, I miss out most of the chance and sit there quietly, while Mr. Chee and Mr. Phoon busying around with the chinese tea.... Really ashamed when need them pour tea for me. The most embarassing moment occured when I finally grab a chance to pour tea, I miss heard my boss "thank you" as "No, thank you", and I end up didn't pour for him...... There are really a huge distant between me with the success line.
Somehow I really like to listen to Mr. David's speech. he somehow motivated me again, even with just a lunch conversation like that. He ask me to go play badminton with them. As I know, our almighty han lyn has lost eventhough he is partnering with someone same level with opponent, and the opponent let them win 5 balls. Then the great David tell me:"You must pay to learn". (Every lost match need to pay RM5, han lyn also never win......)
Tomorrow I have to go to Mont Kiara and no need to go back to office. I will miss them, and thanks Meavis for her kind assitant on teaching me how to travel to my site. Hope somehow I can make it tomorrow. (I have been given safety shoes, a meter ruler, and white helmet at the first day......)
An important day for my life, a memorable day, since this is the official date for my first ever permanent engineering work!!!
Let's have a brief introduction on my work. I work as a project engineer in a company name Qudotech based at Subang USJ 20. It basically involves jobs of sub-con in plumbing (piping) systems. So actually i have been assigned to site in Mont Kiara. My salary is RM2k + Rm300 allowance. I am driving my house old Wira, and temporary living with my coursemate Lai Han Lyn at USJ 2, just opposite Summit Shopping Mall.
First day i set off to work, managed to reach my office before 9am. I entered my office, grab the offer letter, then meet my dear project director, Mr. Chee. I respect him a lot (a bit scare also), he show me that this world still have good engineer. He ask me to have a look on the drawings of Mont Kiara site.
Here come the first challenge... Once open the paper, that one is totally a civil drawing!!! Doesn't mean any offence, but somehow, the technical drawing that I come true are only simple machine components drawing. Look at those civil drawing, the first 30minutes, i totally have no idea at all on what is it all about. I ask dear Chee, he told me if got any problem then can ask him. (I really don't dare ask him too simple and comment sense question, but end up i ask him whether a door symbol is a door or not......) . It is really a start from zero job. He ask me to generate the view of the building through the drawings, if not i might lost in the site. He also ask me whether I got good sense of direction or not... (this is a very hard and subjective question for me to answer, I not really like direction...)
Eventually, Mr Chee is my project director. Then my company director, Mr David Tan is my boss. He ask me to enter his room to give me some introduction talks. He told me that I should have posistive on attitude, effort, ability. There is always price to pay to success. I am quite impressed actually, and he really is a good motivator. Somehow he told me that I should read English newspaper everyday, that's one of the reason why I am writing an English blog and start to buy The Star everyday (got read or not is another matter though).
Later, I have lunch with Chee, our company secretary Tiffany, accountant Miss Tan, and another same age fresh graduate mechanical female name Meavis (first time see this name, when i heard I thought is Mary). Quite embarassing somehow, I really don't know how to communicate like I usual did, especially sometimes they speak english, sometimes cantonese, and i feel a bit weird since all of them talk to me in english... (hard to tell jokes and express myself in english......)
After eat, continue with my work!!! Surprisingly, I don't feel tired at all, eventhough whole day just stare at the 50pages++ drawings. Somehow with helps from others I start to understand the drawings. A quite big and complicated buildings though, and most of the time I am just looking at toilets and bathrooms...... (don't ask me why, just think that there will be my working place later).
Let's have a brief introduction on my work. I work as a project engineer in a company name Qudotech based at Subang USJ 20. It basically involves jobs of sub-con in plumbing (piping) systems. So actually i have been assigned to site in Mont Kiara. My salary is RM2k + Rm300 allowance. I am driving my house old Wira, and temporary living with my coursemate Lai Han Lyn at USJ 2, just opposite Summit Shopping Mall.
First day i set off to work, managed to reach my office before 9am. I entered my office, grab the offer letter, then meet my dear project director, Mr. Chee. I respect him a lot (a bit scare also), he show me that this world still have good engineer. He ask me to have a look on the drawings of Mont Kiara site.
Here come the first challenge... Once open the paper, that one is totally a civil drawing!!! Doesn't mean any offence, but somehow, the technical drawing that I come true are only simple machine components drawing. Look at those civil drawing, the first 30minutes, i totally have no idea at all on what is it all about. I ask dear Chee, he told me if got any problem then can ask him. (I really don't dare ask him too simple and comment sense question, but end up i ask him whether a door symbol is a door or not......) . It is really a start from zero job. He ask me to generate the view of the building through the drawings, if not i might lost in the site. He also ask me whether I got good sense of direction or not... (this is a very hard and subjective question for me to answer, I not really like direction...)
Eventually, Mr Chee is my project director. Then my company director, Mr David Tan is my boss. He ask me to enter his room to give me some introduction talks. He told me that I should have posistive on attitude, effort, ability. There is always price to pay to success. I am quite impressed actually, and he really is a good motivator. Somehow he told me that I should read English newspaper everyday, that's one of the reason why I am writing an English blog and start to buy The Star everyday (got read or not is another matter though).
Later, I have lunch with Chee, our company secretary Tiffany, accountant Miss Tan, and another same age fresh graduate mechanical female name Meavis (first time see this name, when i heard I thought is Mary). Quite embarassing somehow, I really don't know how to communicate like I usual did, especially sometimes they speak english, sometimes cantonese, and i feel a bit weird since all of them talk to me in english... (hard to tell jokes and express myself in english......)
After eat, continue with my work!!! Surprisingly, I don't feel tired at all, eventhough whole day just stare at the 50pages++ drawings. Somehow with helps from others I start to understand the drawings. A quite big and complicated buildings though, and most of the time I am just looking at toilets and bathrooms...... (don't ask me why, just think that there will be my working place later).
So one of my plan is write something about me everyday in this blog. One of the reason is because somehow I am a bit tired and lack of time to share my daily "adventure" with most of my friends. And somehow my friends are curious and care on how I m doing in my new job. Hence this diary might be a good solution for me and others. I never really wrote any diary like that ever, since for those friends that know me well enough, will understand that my laziness will stop me from this type of daily routine hard work. Hope it can somehow cure my laziness.
Welcome to my blog!
For those who concern, this is my second blog. There are some reasons why i want to create a new blog here.
For those who concern, this is my second blog. There are some reasons why i want to create a new blog here.
- Last time blog was basically chinese based, now I want to create a majority english based blog
- Now I started the working stage of my live, so this blog will basically based on event occurred after my study
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