Saturday, November 21, 2009
先说故事吧,一开始是说科学家发现地球将会在2012年,因为太阳发射一些突变的元素,让地壳内的性质异变,就如玛雅人所预测一样,世界末日。(大致上是这样,是靠我有限的科学知识和英文理解的)故事之所以会发生是因为科学家在2009发现,所以就开始防范。但是,由于时间有限,美国怕引起恐慌,所以没有对外公布,只有在背后秘密准备。美国在中国西藏筹备了一个方舟计划,由于计划经费昂贵,所以秘密出售船票,一个位置10亿欧元。但是灾难比预期中早发生,所以惹来很多恐慌。男主角 Jackson Curtis是一个失败的作者兼父亲兼老公,家在加州。在机缘巧合之下发现了这个秘密(比老百姓早5分钟左右吧),经过重重困难,带着一家人,从加州冲出,路经los vegas,最后抵达西藏,努力冲进方舟。
说说导演吧,由于这个导演之前拍惯灾难片,所以可谓驾轻就熟,手法纯熟,收放自如。美中不足的是,这个导演的每一套戏都是快乐结局,但是也可以说是导演对世人的一种鼓励。应该是导演要世人在将来的世界末日里面,不理环境多坏都坚持下去,最后还是会有好的将来的。。。(比起那些讽刺来讽刺去,没有建设性讯息,或者是最后死完的结局,可能会比较好,但是本人还是比较喜欢悲惨一点的结局) 特别喜欢导演在戏的一开始,一个印度小孩在下雨时蹲在积水旁放了一个玩具船,这时科学家坐着的士经过,虽然科学家已经喝止,但是的士还是走过积水,把那个玩具船弄翻了。这正是暗示了将发生的灾难,科学家发现,却难以制止。科学家的爸爸之后也是在船上受到海啸攻击死的,这种有意无意之间的巧合,真是不错。总的来说,从一开始的故事发展,到安排各个角色出场,到各个灾难发生,场景和故事的铺排和到后来的连结,不过不失,还算及格。(近年来及格的电影买少见少,尤其是大制作)
这整套戏里面考验人性的极点。整套戏里面几乎没有一个人的性格是完美的。Jackson Curtis,这种在戏里面,被首席科学家Adrian盛赞好人,(请参考“When human stop to help each other, this is the time where humanity is lost”)也被我抓到使坏的时候。就在Jackson知道加州就来沦陷的时候,他就像一个飞机师订了飞机。但是他在那时候并没有告诉那个人灾难将要来临,让那个人带着他的家人一起走,之后在Las Vegas遇到旧老板时却要让旧老板带他一家人离开,也可以说是人性的丑陋吧。(太鸡蛋里挑骨头了^^)Jackson的老板虽然自私,但是在最后也为了自己的儿子牺牲了,也可以说是人性善良的一点。对于这个人性,出来做工应该都知道,通常自私吝啬的人才可以发达做老板(不是说全部啦,是大部分吧^^)有一本漫画说过:“我不是伟人,我只是凡人,所以我会去守护眼前的一切事情,而无暇去顾其他全世界的人。”的确,我们要帮,到底可以帮到多少人?自己的家人?自己喜欢的人?自己的好朋友?自己的同事?自己认识的人?认识的人所认识的人?眼前的人?如果只救自己认识的人而不救不认识的人,是不是偏私,是不是不公平?如果只救眼前人的话,那么其他人怎么办?应该真的只有伟人才可以救到很多人吧!我们只是平凡人吧。。。。。。
戏里面只有十亿欧元的人才可以上船,真的不公平吗?比起从加州突破到方舟,我觉得赚十亿更难。主角可是最后带了6个人上去 (死的人最后也算上了船) , 应该是60亿欧元。60亿欧元有几难赚?应该要来回加州方舟60000次?但是如果全部十亿富翁上船,那么在新世界不是没有人做粗工?
特别喜欢那一句“I THOUGHT WE HAVE MORE TIME”,和那对在游轮上的老排挡。到底在末日来到的时候我会采取什么态度?认识我够深的人应该会知道吧呵呵^^
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009 1:07am
Long time no visit my own blog, I don't think got people visit here also. Good also, can give me some private space.
Life is miserable. Every moment is getting worst. Every time also come across something that you felt is the worst thing ever and you can't get through it. I know end up everything will be fine perhaps (because I realize that I am not really that easy to die suddenly and the world will never end while I am living), but frankly speaking, I don't like the feeling.
I can't find my aim in life. I can't find the path to become what I want. I know what I lack of, but I don't know how to improve it.
I don't feel I am needed. I mean maybe I am needed, but the people that need me can't accept me also. They need me in terms of their perspective. And the people that I need don't feel like needed by me. Human relationship is such a complicated stuff. Start to understand why man's world most relationship are maintained through advantages, because relationship itself is too weak and unpredictable.
Saturday when I drove home from work, suddenly I feel very lonely. Am I still not mature enough because I still feel lonely? Anyway started to get use of staying alone.
Human usually can't accept other people do something bad. But they will do the thing themselves. Selfish? Human just hope to protect own benefits. Or perhaps they just want to survive. I now truly understand the feeling when no money. I always don't like other people do something yet myself did the same thing. Sometime I feel am I too kind to survive in this world? Am I too easy to understand other people situation that put myself in a difficult position? Is it all the feeling occurred because I still not mature enough. Just wonder how many more I need to improve before i really feel succeed.
Still owe friend a lot of debt, really feel sorry for them...
i really don't like these, these is really the darkness moment in my life, and when I imagine that there are darker then these, I lose the faith and courage to continue......
This whole post is so meaningless, hope next time I will have mood to share more informative issue.
Life is miserable. Every moment is getting worst. Every time also come across something that you felt is the worst thing ever and you can't get through it. I know end up everything will be fine perhaps (because I realize that I am not really that easy to die suddenly and the world will never end while I am living), but frankly speaking, I don't like the feeling.
I can't find my aim in life. I can't find the path to become what I want. I know what I lack of, but I don't know how to improve it.
I don't feel I am needed. I mean maybe I am needed, but the people that need me can't accept me also. They need me in terms of their perspective. And the people that I need don't feel like needed by me. Human relationship is such a complicated stuff. Start to understand why man's world most relationship are maintained through advantages, because relationship itself is too weak and unpredictable.
Saturday when I drove home from work, suddenly I feel very lonely. Am I still not mature enough because I still feel lonely? Anyway started to get use of staying alone.
Human usually can't accept other people do something bad. But they will do the thing themselves. Selfish? Human just hope to protect own benefits. Or perhaps they just want to survive. I now truly understand the feeling when no money. I always don't like other people do something yet myself did the same thing. Sometime I feel am I too kind to survive in this world? Am I too easy to understand other people situation that put myself in a difficult position? Is it all the feeling occurred because I still not mature enough. Just wonder how many more I need to improve before i really feel succeed.
Still owe friend a lot of debt, really feel sorry for them...
i really don't like these, these is really the darkness moment in my life, and when I imagine that there are darker then these, I lose the faith and courage to continue......
This whole post is so meaningless, hope next time I will have mood to share more informative issue.
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